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Writer's pictureMike Goodrich

Episode 65 – 3 times as effective!

This is a subject you’ll think you know all about.

There’s science behind it and a lot of people have spoken of it.

So much so that I’m actually not going to tell you what it is.


Because this is a NEW approach.

As a matter of fact, this approach will multiply your results in 3 powerful ways.

Trust me, you probably have never approached (blank) in this way.

And it will help you in every aspect of your singing!

Curious? Good…go listen now! (-:


The Inner Singer Podcast

Episode 65 – Transcripts

3 times as effective!

You’re listening to episode number sixty-five.

Welcome to the Inner Singer Podcast, providing tools and techniques to strengthen your inner singer, your beliefs, your confidence, your mindset. And now, your host for the Inner Singer Podcast, Mike Goodrich.

Well, hey there everybody. This is Mike Goodrich. And thank you so much for joining me The Inner Singer podcast today episode number sixty-five.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of episodes. That’s pretty cool. I’m recording my third one in a row. I’m doing a batch of them today and it’s a silly day to be doing this out here sitting in my office. Where I have to have the air conditioning off in Southern California. I’m not sure it’s a hundred today, but it’s been well over a hundred in less four five days in a row but it feels pretty hot in here. Those are crazy day for me to decide.

I’m going to like three or four podcast without the air on. But what the heck. Its really fun. I really enjoyed it. I had something that I wanted to chat about. Actually, I have a number of things I wanted to chat about. As you may or may not know, I always carry my iPhone around. In my voice memo, if I have ideas all the time, I put the ideas in the voice memo. When I want to record a podcast when I have it, second do it, I do it. Just turns out I have more than a second today. Making these little bit shorter is actually helping me. Although the two that I’ve just done, I look down I see there 18 minutes of piece, which isn’t that much shorter than usual. But just the idea of it’s okay to do it a short one, gets me started a little bit easier.

What I want to talk about today, and first of all, I hope you’re all doing great.

Your Inner Singer is supporting you and in all your endeavors, you’re singing endeavors and this podcast is helping you with any blocks or anything that stands in your way. Your singing is an iceberg, right? The tip of the iceberg is our outer singers. The part that they hear, the part that they see, but what goes on underneath is the majority of it.

Hopefully, I’m giving you a lot of tools and strategies, techniques and things that you can do to help get your inner singer on your side in supporting you in all that you do.

Having said that, I’ve never really done that I can think of an episode on what a lot of people talk about all the time. Clearly, it’s a hugely important topic. That is this – its gratitude. I want to talk about it in a little different perspective today.

Gratitude is.. they’ve done a lot of tests with this. They say one of the best things you can do in the morning is get up and write down three to five things that you’re grateful for and that’s how you start your day. I think that’s scientifically proven that that really does some amazing, amazing things.

I have been teaching for years before you sing to think of three things that you really like about your voice, that you love about your voice, that you’re really grateful for about your voice. Afterwards, I trained people to also think of three things that they really like about the way they did that song. It could be I remembered the words. It could be anything. It doesn’t matter. But it needs to be a positive way of looking at it. It needs to train the brain to go towards the glass is half full.

To this day, I have so many students even ones that I work on with this a lot. And their default when they see me, get really excited about something. If they come in in a certain kind of mood their default answer, the default response to no matter how well they do something is a negative one. And no matter how well they just did something. It’s almost as if their Not present with that for any amount of time. They will not let themselves own it, hear it, feel it or relish in it. They will go right to their default programing. It almost seems as if thats their default programming is what they were thinking about while they were singing because it almost as if they can’t wait to say it. They’ll see me excited about something and rather than relish in it, enjoy it, own it, live with it, feel it, appreciate it, they will go right to “Yeah, but I wish I could that on this note” or “Yeah, but this” or “Yeah, but that” or “Yeah, but this didn’t work” or “Boy, it should be working that well. I’ve been doing this so long.” or “I think it would’ve been a little better. I’ve been doing this” whatever.

And that’s a real default wiring that we absolutely have to take responsibility for manage and shift. If we expect to make the progress that we want to make it really does come down to some responsibility and ownership where we have to say, “You know what I’m really noticing, I do that a lot” or this guy is telling me, this guy mean me, is telling me I do that a lot. He says it’s not a really really good thing. And he’s also really excited about what I just did. Maybe since I’m paying this much money, I should actually do what he’s asking me to do and just keep my mouth closed. Don’t say what I’m thinking out loud and make myself shift directions.

Even if you have to write something on a three by five card ahead of time. Say “I love this about my voice. I love this about my voice. I love this about my voice” and train yourself that when you’re finished singing you look at that three-by-five card and you go right to that thing. Even if you feel like it’s not true yet. Even if you feel like you’re faking it, right.

We got to train ourselves to not go right to the negative, right to the thing that isn’t working, and right to the thing that we’re hanging onto as our story. Or that’s gonna be our story. If we fight like crazy to keep telling that story. We’re going to be able to keep telling it – “those high notes don’t work” “my this doesn’t work” “that didn’t work” “I should be better than I am” or whatever, you know.

Getting off a little tangent. What I’m saying is, that’s what I teach my people. That’s what I teach my students. That’s what I teach people in my program. Is to begin to really train yourself, not in a Pollyanna way. I’m not talking woo woo Pollyanna non sense. I’m talking about training your brain, your psychology and your mindset setting your mind to focus in a certain way. Because by nature, human beings, their default wiring is to focus on the negative first. That’s why everybody’s so fascinated with news and awful movies, right?

Years and years and years ago we had to be focused on what would save our lives or what you kill us, right? The saber tooth tiger jumping out. We had to know that that was around the corner. So we were very vigilant and we were on guard all the time. I’m very adrenal because at any time the saber-toothed tiger could jump out and get us. If somebody had really good news for us that really wasn’t as important because it wasn’t necessarily going to save our life. So we got really trained to focus on the negative.

Now we have to take dominion and take charge over that and begin to focus on what we want to focus on and the gratitude.

What I want to talk about today is a little different version of gratitude. What I want to do is I want to talk about the word – appreciate and appreciation. Appreciation is a very interesting word and I got this.

I’ve mentioned the fellow in a previous podcast. His name is Dan Sullivan. He is a phenomenal coach to very very high level entrepreneurs. He’s a really amazing amazing guy. I have never met him. I have not coached personally with him at all. But I’ve read a lot of his stuff. Listened to countless interviews with him, countless. He has really got some amazing ideas, things that I really incorporated into my teaching and into my life. So I want to share this one with you. He talks about gratitude, but he talks about it this way. He talks about the word appreciation.

Why did he talk about appreciation? Well, because it’s very interesting. It’s a little bit of a synonym for gratitude, right? You say, “I’m really grateful for this” or “I appreciate this” or you could say, “I’m really grateful for my high notes” “I’m really grateful that my vibrato was so good in that song” “I’m really grateful but I found this song that sits right in sweet spots of my voice” “I’m really grateful that I found this great teacher” or “I’m really grateful that I found the Inner Singer podcast because it helps me so much”. A little self-serving, right.

Let’s put appreciate in there. Well, “I really appreciate my high notes” “I’m so appreciative of my vibrato” “I’m so appreciative of The Inner Singer Podcast” “I’m so appreciative of whatever”, right? “I appreciate that so much” – how is that slightly different?

Well, I’ll tell you. It’s different in that if you look up the word appreciate you will find that it has three definitions. If we hold these in our consciousness, our awareness. And when we appreciate something about our voice or about somebody else when we express appreciation, we are doing three things.When we appreciate, what are we doing? I’m actually going to read. I’ve got this on my desktop.

What is the first appreciate recognize the full worth of?

“Value” “treasure” “admire” “respect” “I appreciate this part of my voice.” “I appreciate this person.” “I appreciate this song.” “I appreciate this aspect of my singing.”. Be grateful for something.

What’s number two? Understand a situation fully.

Fully recognize the full importance or implications of. “I fully understand this.” “I really appreciate my voice.” “I understand my voice.” “I really appreciate myself, my inner singer.” “I understand myself.” “I understand my inner singer.”

And the third, I love. Rise in value or price?

Just like the home appreciated, the stock value appreciated. When we appreciate our voice, when we appreciate ourselves, when we appreciate our inner and our outer singer, we are actually raising the value of this in our eyes.

We’re all infinitely valuable, right? So we can’t really raise our intrinsic value which is beyond measure anyway. But we certainly can raise our perception of our value. As a matter of fact, who said it, it may have been John Assaraf, that your net worth is going to be a direct reflection of your self-worth, right?

Well, everybody is beyond infinitely worthy, right? I mean everybody is infinitely worthy. But we are not all expressing that. We are not all believing that. But as you appreciate yourself and your voice, you are not only recognizing your full worth and being grateful for. You are understanding and you were recognizing the full importance and implications of the magnificence of your voice/ And you are raising the value in your perception of all these things.

To me, appreciate and appreciation is gratitude on steroids.

I was when we say right it’s 10x in gratitude, so I love gratitude. L et’s bring this idea of appreciation in and really watch those three things. Just start to express themselves in us. Then begin to appreciate that. It’s like a snowball going down a hill, right? It gets bigger and bigger and bigger and gains momentum as we appreciate our voice, which means we’re grateful and we understand it. It raises it in value. As its raise its value, we appreciate the fact that it’s raising in value and it’s more valuable to us, which means we’re more grateful for it. We understand it on a deeper level which raises the value yet again, and it just 10x the whole experience.

I just wanted to share that with you. I think it’s a really fun way to look at this. And not only fun, I think it’s tremendously valuable. If we start doing that and if you start using the action step of begin to be appreciative of something about your voice before you sing and immediately after.

Really really really watch yourself. Watch your behavior. Watch your habits. Become aware. Become mindful. And if you tend to go to a negative place after you sing, don’t do that anymore, right? It’s like the easiest thing to say. Just don’t do that. Train yourself to go to a better more supportive place.

Like I say. Even if you have to plan it ahead of time by writing three things that you appreciate about yourself, about your voice, about the way you sing. Three things on 3-5 cards, 3×5 card. Even if they’re general and generic, try and get as specific as you can. But if you have to begin to train yourself and you don’t know necessarily what song you’re going to be singing, have three things that you’re grateful for so you can begin to go in that direction – before you sing and then immediately after. Even after you sing, if you read those three things that have been pre-planned and pre-written down on a 3×5 card; even if they’re generic and pre-planned just by saying them out loud and going to that place, you will begin to recognize new things because now you’re going in that direction.

Let’s just say you finished singing in the three things that you’ve written down. Let’s say the three things you’ve written down are “I love my vibrato.” “I made it all the way through the song and remember all the words and my breathing was really great in it that song.” “I nailed the high note” or “my low notes we’re really good”. Whatever really for you normally works really well, use that as your three things. If you have to predetermine this, figure out in your voice what always works well. And I know but don’t go to this place – “Well, nothing works well” – no, no. Time to shift that. Figure out the best three things. You got to do this. Write them down. Then after whatever particular song, you save those sincerely, don’t phone it in. “Oh mike said I should do that, too. I really love my vibrato.” – No, no, don’t phone it in, do it sincerely. And you will find that by focusing in that direction, new things will begin to emerge. You’ll think of something that you might not have been able to think of first. But because you’re priming the pump, you’re priming the brain, you’re taking in that direction, you begin to think of these things. Okay, and so that’s hugely valuable. Because what it does is it interrupts the pattern of going to something negative about yourself. So you don’t tell that story. You begin to write a new dialogue. Create a new wiring in circuitry, okay.

Try that out. Try the appreciate appreciation out and I hope you have a good time with this. I hope this has been valuable for you and I will see you and hear you and talk to you in the next podcast.

If you have a chance. If you have it already. I’d love it if you’d run on over to iTunes give us a really honest nice rating and review. Really help spread the word because I’m really gonna go more a little bit gung-ho in spreading the word on this because I think it’s really necessary and I get some great feedback and I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I’m absolutely convinced be on any shadow of any doubt. That if we don’t get our inner singer on our side, we are not going to have the voice and the fun and the joy that we really really want out of this, okay. I really really know that to be true.

Anyway, so I will talk to you next time. Bye. Bye.

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